Mark Zuckerberg... a pretty generous man!
12:20 PMYou see when I come across these stories I can help but SMILE!! I've always thought that if you are making money there is no need to keep ALL of your earnings to yourself... Share a little something, just like our Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg did in 2013.
According to the charity and fundraising database, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Mark and his wife Priscilla Chan, donated 18 million shares of Facebook stock worth over $990 million to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. They were first on the list, coming in second was Phil Knight, co-founder and chairman of Nike Inc. He donated $500 million to the Oregon Health and Science University Foundation. Third on the list, former New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg donated $350 million to John Hopkins University...
Hay que ser generoso.. You must be generous.