Christmas 2013! Navidad 2013
12:10 PM
Hello dolls! How was your Christmas?
¿Qué tal su navidad?
I had a wonderful time with my family, but throughout the whole night I couldn't help but wonder "man this year flew by!"
Comí delicioso! Creo que una de las cosas que disfruto más de esta época festiva es sin duda la comida! El pernil, la lasaña, la ensalada de papa! Que rico!!!
Claro, lo más importante es el compartir con la familia, pero la comida no caí nada mal.
I ate really good food! That's one of the things I enjoy the most of this time of year! The food! The pork, the lasagna, the potato salad, I tell you no need to worry about those extra calories during this time of year.
It was a great Christmas, and I got a new toy! #fitbitone this tiny gadget can do so much. Tracks your sleep, your steps, your miles, your calorie intake, it does it all.
What did you get Christmas?
Much love,