Am I a boy or a girl? That's up to you to decide!!!

3:55 PM

Now I am curious to know, would you keep your child's gender a secret and have him or her decide what they want to become? 

Check this out!!! A family from Toronto, Canada has  a 4-month-old baby named Storm and are keeping his sex a secret. Although there is nothing ambiguous about the baby's genitals, the parents feel that if you want to get to know someone you don't have to ask what's between their legs. They want to promote freedom and choice in a place of limitation. 

(Can you guess baby Storm's sex?)
They have two boys Jazz and Kio who are only 5 and 2, and they are allowed to pick out their own clothes in the boys and girls sections of stores, and decide whether to cut their hair or let it grow. Because they wear pink and have long hair, they're frequently assumed to be girls; however, the parents don't correct people- they leave it to the kids.
What's your thought? Do you think that what these parents are doing to their kids is right? Will these children thank their parents someday or will they hold that against them?

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  3. This is probably one of the most interesting topics I ever studied in my psychology classes! I'm fascinated by the development of gender identity. I have a few close friends who are "transgendered" and don't identify with their biological sex. I think they have struggled not because of a "mental illness," but rather because of years of their parents/families/society reinforcing gender norms that simply don't fit.

    I applaud these Canadian parents for thinking outside the box and daring to let their kids find out who THEY are, instead of their parents choosing for them.

    Great post, Yisel!! =)
