Aventura Feud

3:55 PM

Chicos, I know we've all heard the rumors. Aventura is splitting up blah blah blah.

Well, I don't know, but if you ask me I think that now they are closer than ever to go their separate ways. There’s just been so much drama between the members of the group with one another. Or should I say "Max" and “Romeo”?

Max decided to break the silence on Twitter by having a mini venting session. He tweeted about how shady things have been lately with the group. All of this initiated or should I say exploded after Romeo was invited to the VMA's without his other 3 'brothers'

We all deserve to be up there.15 years of blood sweat and tears and we don’t get the invite to our first VMA.tham..#shady

 He went on by saying that everyone does the same amount of work. 

Aqui nadie trabaja mas que nadie!Nos cai Trabajo diferentes.Cada uno que cumple con su parte y Ya.Y Cada uno has hecho el mismo sacrificio.” 

Pero no crean ustedes that Romeo stood shut. He also had some things to say. You can check out his full response here.

I'll just sum it up for ya'll with my interpretation...
I don't give public statements
The group is together because of me
I am the one that works the hardest
If I leave Aventura, Aventura would be nothing being that I am the one that writes all the songs. Which is why I am the star, and I am going to keep being the star.

I always knew that Romeo was given more attention than the rest because he is indeed the lead singer, and he writes most of their songs, and I don't blame him. Pero si me preguntas a mi, I love Aventura as a GROUP, not Romeo as a SOLO ARTIST

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  1. wow are you serious wow i love him and all but he's an asshole* !! too stuck up. The others should get the equal amount of attention as romeo does.

  2. I agree with u with wat u said about loving AVENTURA as a group not him as a solo artist but I also agree with tanyi he's very stuck up..I would have never thought he was like that
